One Room Challenge Week 4: File Cabinet Upcycle

It’s One Room Challenge week 4! Check out everyone else here!

This week I was bound and determined to find a cool nightstand for my dude's room and honestly didn't know what exactly I was looking for. I came across a metal filing cabinet while on a thrift hunt and thought "hell, for $5, I'll give it a go." I brought that baby home with me, hammered out a couple of dents and then got to work.

The handles popped out easily enough so I set those to the side and gave them a quick spray with black Plastidip because I had it on hand.

I sanded the cabinet down with 120 grit sandpaper just to remove the shine and get a smooth surface. Then I cleaned it all up with a household cleaner and a towel. Once dry, I primed using Rustoleum's clean metal primer spray and let it dry for a few hours.

My son chose yellow for his nightstand color and I had the perfect one on hand, leftover from my hallway and entryway murals.

This is Glidden Mecca Gold and it makes me so happy. I chose a flat sheen for my murals so I thought it was perfect for this upcycle. I brushed on the first coat and let it dry for an hour or so. I rolled the second and third coats with foam roller with proper dry time in between. 

Once that dried for a couple of hours after the last coat, I sprayed it all over with a matte polycrylic sealant, popped the handles back in and that was that!

It’s so stinking cute and we absolutely love it against the green in his room.



One Room Challenge Week 5- Bed Details


One Room Challenge Week 3: Wallpaper