One Room Challenge Week 6: Doorknobs Galore (and a bit of stencil)

I almost can't believe that there are just a couple of weeks left in the Spring One Room Challenge sponsored by Better Homes and Gardens. I feel like we are down to the wire!

I changed out the door hardware this week. SO fun. Just the most fun. Can you feel the sarcasm through the screen?

I bought these doorknobs on Overstock and they are exactly what I was looking for. Sleek, modern, black, and matte. They were a little more than I wanted to spend on doorknobs but I love them.

I'm slowly replacing all the doorknobs in the house to these and I only have a few left to do, hallelujah. They are simple to install but it's not the most interesting project and tends to fall to the bottom of my list. Especially since my beloved drill broke a few weeks ago and I've done every single screw with my son's tiny drill. It looks like a toy and is probably just a step up from actually being a toy. Oof.

(Here I am with this tiny useless drill and also trying out unlocking it from the outside. Had to make sure it could be done since my children have locked themselves inside by accident multiple times.)

I purchased some black hinges from Lowes but here are some similar ones from Amazon that are actually a better value. But, also not the most fun project. Probably because I need a new drill.

BUT! The hallway doors are done, praise all that is holy. It's also really hard to take a cute pic of a doorknob.

And just because I apparently love to punish myself by adding on more work, or maybe because I was feeling uninspired with just doing door hardware, I added in another stencil! I have some paint left over from when I refinished my stairs and I love this pop of pink! It's Sherwin Williams Pink Cinnamon. Just a few stencils left to add! 

As a reminder, I was gifted the Watercolor Leaves Stencil Kit from Cutting Edge Stencils and a set of their brushes. (The snake stencil is from Etsy) Since this stencil has more delicate parts, I used a small brush instead of a roller.

I also ordered a RUG! It arrived but I didn’t want to risk getting paint on it. I can't wait to unroll it.

Until next week!


How To Make Your Own DIY Olive Tree


One Room Challenge Week 5: Snake Stencils